I-Test and I-Test Manager

I-Test is Crowcon’s newest solution to test and verify that your Gas-Pro is in a compliant state for you to carry out your daily work.  Bump testing standards are getting tighter in all regions and the need for control of the bump and calibration records is a must. The I-Test and I-Test manager makes this as easy as it can be. 

I-Test is easy to use with no requirements to turn on and off the gas: the design of the demand flow regulator coupled with the I-Test will allow the automatic pull of the correct required amount and concentration of gas.  I-Test can also recognise cylinders that are empty or those that have expired allowing full compliance. When the Gas-Pro is inserted into the I-Test there are no button presses required, the system will start it’s test procedure automatically.  The test carries out verification that the sensors are responding to a known value of gas and filters are clear and good for use. It will also ensure the audible and visual alarms are working and this gives the user full confidence that they are compliant for site use. 
I-Test stores all bump and calibration results and this can then be interrogated using the I-Test Manager software. The software allows you to carry out exception reporting to see who has and hasn’t carried out their bump or calibrations. I-Test Manager also gives you the ease of printing both bump and calibration certificates and any tailored reports you have generated.